Join Little Umbrella Foundation

These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities

Join Little Umbrella

Little Umbrella is a nonprofit company dedicated to the development of every child of the world through “Alternative Education”. This is the first educational company in India, which is only based on alternative education precisely. Little Umbrella is committed to giving children a better future, be it their professional or personal development. We execute various projects/events from child abuse campaign to picture-making workshops and various fundraising campaigns. 

We provide an extensive internship program under which applicants learn social and technical skills. They learn various aspects of public interactions and gain plenty of field experience. Their experiences provide them with courage, motivation, and knowledge to move up and ahead in their career.

Members get special privilege access to our ongoing projects, front row invites to our events and cultural programs. Early access to our media releases and certificate of membership.


What is a


Lufstar is anyone who has the will to do good and help the children in our society to help them grow and make a better world for our future generations to come.